The spirit of duende in the aesthetic theory of F.G. Lorca and its embodiment in the “Andalusian Trilogy”
Federico Garcia Lorca, duende spirit, flamenco, cante jondo, Spanish culture, death motif, Andalusian trilogyAbstract
The article is devoted to the aesthetic views of Federico Garcia Lorca, the peculiarities of his perception of art and the creative process. The concept of duende is considered as a phenomenon of Spanish culture, correlated with the folk art of flamenco and cante jondo. The significance of duende in Lorca's aesthetics is revealed. The reflection of the author's aesthetic conception and the role of duende as the basis of the expressive beginning in the plays "Blood Wedding", "Yerma" and "The House of Bernarda Alba" are traced. The significance of flamenco and cante jondo stylistics in the embodiment of the duende spirit in the "Andalusian trilogy" is revealed.
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