Sonnet “Gift of the poem” by S. Mallarmé in Russian translations
poetry, Russian symbolism, French symbolism, translation reception, Annensky, Talov, MallarméAbstract
The article is devoted to the analysis of two translations of S. Mallarmé's sonnet «Gift of the Poem», made by Russian poets. The article is the first to examine the translation perception and creative reinterpretation of S. Mallarmé's metaphors of the creative process and the poetic work by I.F. Annenskii and M.V. Talov, and to perform a comparative analysis of translations. The revealed peculiarity of the perception of S. Mallarmé's poetic images by Russian poets demonstrates a variety of approaches reflecting the individual characteristics of the poetic philosophy and the creative method of translators, which leads to the transformation of not only the form, but also the intonation, meaning and expressive features of the original.
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