Historical, cultural and translation aspects of an Old German song (based on the ballad “Liebe ohne Stand” from the anthology of A. von Arnim and C. Brentano “Des Knaben Wunderhorn”)
literary translation, poetry translation, equirhythmic translation, old German song, des Knaben Wunderhorn , Achim von Arnim, Clemens BrentanoAbstract
The article is devoted to the problem of an old German song translation from German into Russian, which is relevant for modern linguistics. Aiming at an adequate poetic translation of the ballad “Liebe ohne Stand”, the author conducts a detailed pre-translation cultural and linguistic analysis of the original text. Using hermeneutical and comparative methods, as well as methods of structural and linguistic analysis, the author creates a basis for the further translation. As a result, a translation of the ballad with comments is presented, and the features of the poetic translation of a medieval song from German into Russian are established.
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