Elements of Chinese Grammar in Contemporary Japanese
Chinese-origin lexicon in the Japanese language, elements of Chinese grammar in Japanese, influence of the Chinese language on Japanese, grammatical structure of Kango, functional-semantic classes of Kango, grammar of proto-Chinese phraseological compoundsAbstract
For centuries, Japan existed on the periphery of Chinese civilization, acquiring a substantial arsenal of linguistic tools from Chinese grammar in the process of using of Kambun (漢文) and Sorobun (候文). This article examines the intrinsic properties of Kango (漢語), connecting them to Chinese grammar, the grammatical structure of Kango, their functional-semantic classes, and certain features of proto-Chinese phraseological compounds (成語・四字熟語), which are intimately linked not only with Chinese characters and grammar but also with Chinese aesthetics, history, and culture. In the Japanese language, the constituent elements of Kango retain their original functional-semantic properties; their functioning in modern Japanese generally adheres to the rules of Chinese grammar.
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