Qualitative and quantitative analysis of the elastoplastic state of a rotating thin disk





elastoplastic body, plane stress state, plastic flow theory, associated plastic flow rule, stress vector hodograph


The task of a rotating disk with a constant small thickness, which is under the action of a uniformly distributed pressure along its contour, was considered. Total deformations are equal to the addition of elastic and plastic ones, since the deformations are quite small. Plastic deformations and stresses are interconnected by the plastic flow rule. A plastically incompressible isotropic body is considered. The condition of continuity of the plasticity function is satisfied. The stress and displacement vectors are continuous at the interface between elastic and plastic zones. When determining the plastic zones, depending on the external parameters, all possible modes of the plasticity condition of the maximum shear stress were considered. Analytical expressions are presented for the external parameters at which the nucleation of plastic zones occurs. The stress hodograph plots, presented in the paper, give a visual representation of the development of plastic zones.

Author Biography

  • ELEONORA V. SYOMKA, Air Force Academy named after Professor N.E. Zhukovsky and Yu.A. Gagarina

    Сandidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Lecturer






Mechanics of Deformable Solids

How to Cite

Qualitative and quantitative analysis of the elastoplastic state of a rotating thin disk. Вестник Инженерной школы ДВФУ [Internet]. 2022 Dec. 27 [cited 2024 Sep. 1];4(4(53):3-12. Available from: https://journals.dvfu.ru/vis/article/view/388