Three trends in modern studies of Stoic ethics


  • VADIM S. KOROBEINIKOV Far Eastern Federal University



history of philosophy, Antiquity, ethics, Stoicism, modern Stoicism


The article analyzes the state of modern research focusing on the ethics of Stoicism, among which are studies in the history of Stoic philosophy, modern Stoicism and the popularization of Stoic ideas. The author concludes that the unity of these areas of Stoic studies can be seen primarily in the revival of the interest in Stoic reflection, in the attempts to reconstruct the image of happiness corresponding to Stoic attitudes, and the adaptation of these attitudes to the modern scientific picture of the world.

Author Biography

  • VADIM S. KOROBEINIKOV, Far Eastern Federal University

    Master's student, Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies, School of Arts and Humanities


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How to Cite

Three trends in modern studies of Stoic ethics. (2024). Humanitarian Research in the Eastern Siberia and the Far East, 3, 123-131.