Interpretations of the term "monoculture" before and after digital technologies


  • VLADIMIR A. ANISIMOV National Research University Higher School of Economics



monoculture, media culture, consumption, digimodernism, technofeudalism, streaming


The article is devoted to the analysis of the phenomenon of monoculture, chronologically divided into pre-digital and digital. Pre-digital monoculture is presented through the critical analysis of cultural consumption. Using the case of such cultural texts as Game of Thrones, Harry Potter and Star Wars, the author shows that pre-digital monoculture is a part of popular culture. It was the consumption of various symbols that marked the dominance of a cultural text in the pre-digital era. In an attempt to characterize the digital monoculture, the author refers to Alan Kirby’s theory of digimodernism and the theory of technofeudalism by J. Dean and Y. Varoufakis, also offering his own definition of the term.

Author Biography

  • VLADIMIR A. ANISIMOV, National Research University Higher School of Economics

    Intern Researcher at the International Laboratory for the Study of Russian-European Intellectual Dialogue at the School of Philosophy and Cultural Studies of the Faculty of Humanities


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How to Cite

Interpretations of the term "monoculture" before and after digital technologies. (2024). Humanitarian Research in the Eastern Siberia and the Far East, 3, 114-122.