The mission of the U.S. Ambassador to Japan R.S. Morris to Siberia in 1919


  • Ekaterina S. Yurchenko Pacific National University



Russian Civil War, allied intervention, Siberia, Omsk government, diplomatic mission, Roland S. Morris


The article examines the diplomatic mission of the U.S. Ambassador to Japan Roland S. Morris to Siberia in July-August 1919. The author focuses on the desire of the American leadership to use the mission to influence the policy of the Omsk government, as well as to achieve the implementation of the open door policy in relation to Siberian railways. The article analyzes the reasons that prompted Ambassador Morris to recommend to his government to support Kolchak and grant diplomatic recognition to his government in August 1919, and assesses the role of the mission in the process of forming Washington’s «Russian policy».

Author Biography

  • Ekaterina S. Yurchenko, Pacific National University

    Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Higher School of Pedagogy and History




How to Cite

The mission of the U.S. Ambassador to Japan R.S. Morris to Siberia in 1919. (2024). Humanitarian Research in the Eastern Siberia and the Far East, 2, 72-82.