Designing the process of developing role-playing games for older preschoolers
plot-role-playing game, design, development of plot-role-playing game, modern preschoolerAbstract
The results of modern research indicate that play is “leaving” the life of a preschooler, being replaced by television, the Internet, and the desire of adults for the early development of children. In this regard, there is a decrease in the level of development of role-playing games. The purpose of the study is to explore preschool teachers' understanding of what it means to design the development of role-playing games, and to develop a model for guiding the development of role-playing games. 324 teachers of preschool institutions in Vladivostok and Primorsky Krai took part in the study. The results indicate that the plots of games of modern preschoolers reflect mainly the everyday side of life; educators find it difficult to design the educational process to develop role-playing games; Teachers’ ideas about the process of managing the development of role-playing games are sketchy and fragmentary. To solve the identified problems, we have developed a model for guiding the development of role-playing games.
The article may be useful to preschool teachers interested in the problem of designing the development of role-playing games.
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