Personal grounds for the prevention of unconstructive risky behavior in adolescents




risky behavior, adolescents, personal approach, the principle of pedagogical expediency, the principle of conformity to nature


The purpose of the presented study is to describe the application of the basics of a personal methodological approach in the prevention of unconstructive risky behavior of adolescents. The interest of researchers and practitioners of pedagogy in studying the nature of the emergence of risky behavior in adolescents is associated with solving the problems of finding effective technologies for its prevention. The peculiarities of unconstructive risky behavior of adolescents include the fact that it begins as experimentation against the background of a demonstrated willingness to take risks. However, risky behavior can become entrenched due to the formation of a psychological complex in the structure of a teenager's personality. An active scientific search in this area is due to the fact that this form of behavioral manifestations carries a balance of positive and negative outcomes in relation to his life and health that is not obvious to a teenager. The analysis of the sources allowed the author to come to the conclusion that a personal approach in line with the prevention of unconstructive risky behavior of adolescents presupposes the teacher's attitude to the pupil as a person, as a self-conscious responsible subject of his own development and as a subject of educational interaction and is implemented through the principles of pedagogical expediency (defines a set of means to achieve a predictable goal, contributing to a positive result with a focus on the personality traits of the teenager himself) and conformity to nature (involves taking into account the natural characteristics of adolescence in the work, contributing to the emergence of behavioral deviations, and building a pedagogically appropriate preventive trajectory).

Author Biography

  • Elena V. Moskvina, State University of Education

    Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Modern Educational Technologies


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How to Cite

Personal grounds for the prevention of unconstructive risky behavior in adolescents. (2024). Social Competence , 8(4), 35-41.

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