A model for preventing adolescent mobile addiction





mobile addiction, prevention, methodological approaches, principles, pedagogical conditions, parents


The study presents a conceptual model for the prevention of adolescent mobile addiction in the interaction of a classroom teacher and parents, including targeted, content-organizational and performance-evaluation blocks. The methodological basis for the implementation of the model is axiological, systemic and activity-based approaches implemented in the principles of health conservation, synergy, constructive interaction and personal orientation. The content and organizational block of the model is represented by pedagogical conditions (constructive interaction between the class teacher and the parent, the systematic nature of preventive measures, the proactive nature of the impact on the risk situation), implemented in three stages: raising awareness of parents (passive), involving parents in various forms of activity (active), joint activities of the class teacher and parents (interactive). The performance evaluation block presents criteria for diagnosing the effectiveness of the implementation of pedagogical conditions in cognitive, social and value components at high, medium or low levels. The article presents an analysis of sources on the problems of mobile-dependent behavior of adolescents, clarifying the concept of "mobile dependence of adolescents.

Author Biographies

  • Natalia N. Labareshnykh, State University of Education

    3rd year postgraduate student

  • Elena V. Moskvina, State University of Education

    Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Modern Educational Technologies


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How to Cite

A model for preventing adolescent mobile addiction. (2024). Social Competence , 8(4), 42-52. https://doi.org/10.24866/2658-5855/2023-4/42-52