
The editors comply with the following requirements for the review procedure and reviewers in general:

1. Material submitted to the editorial office for consideration may be rejected without a review procedure if it is considered to be of low quality or unsuitable for the readership of the journal;

2. Reviewing of articles submitted to the editors is carried out on the basis of the Regulations on the review of manuscripts, published on the website of the journal "Humanitarian Research in Eastern Siberia and the Far East"

3. Regulations on the review of manuscripts submitted to the editors of the journal "Humanitarian Research in Eastern Siberia and the Far East"

3.1. Articles received by the editors of the journal "Humanitarian Research in Eastern Siberia and the Far East" undergo a mandatory review procedure.

3.2. The editor-in-chief determines the correspondence of the article to the subject of the journal's headings, the requirements for registration and sends it for review to one of the members of the editorial board of the journal or an external expert in the relevant field who has a doctorate or a candidate of science degree.

3.3. The review process is completely anonymous: the reviewer does not know the identity of the author of the reviewed article, the author, in turn, does not know the reviewer.

3.4. The reviewer reviews the article by filling out a unified review form (Appendix). During the review, on a ten-point scale, such characteristics of the article as the relevance of the research topic, scientific novelty, consistency of presentation, the degree of use of the latest literature and original sources, the degree of validity of the conclusions, etc. are evaluated. The reviewer has the right to indicate in the "Comments" column his additional comments, suggestions and estimates. The review period is 1 month.

3.5. Based on the results of the review, the editors reserve the right to accept the article for publication, reject the article or return it for revision. In case of rejection of the article, the author is given the opportunity to read the text of the review. An article not recommended by the reviewer for publication is not accepted for re-consideration.

3.6. All reviews are kept in the editorial office of the journal for 5 years.

3.7. The editorial board of the publication sends copies of reviews to the Ministry of Science and Education of the Russian Federation upon receipt of a corresponding request by the editorial office of the publication.

3.8. The editors enter into correspondence with the authors only on their own initiative. Publication dates are the editorial right.

4. Reviews must be objective;

5. Reviewers should express their views clearly, supporting them with arguments and, if necessary, references, and should not humiliate or slander the author;

6. Reviewers must declare that they have a conflict of interest, if any;

7. Reviewers should refuse to review the manuscript if there is a conflict of interest in connection with it, arising from competition, cooperation or other relationships and connections with any authors, companies or institutions related to the materials being reviewed;

8. Reviewers must respect the confidentiality of the materials provided to them and not discuss unpublished manuscripts with colleagues and not use the information contained in them in their work;

9. Reviewers must ensure that the assessment contained in their review is based on the quality of the work and is not influenced by any personal, financial or other considerations, or intellectual predilections.