Guide for authors

Requirements for manuscripts submitted to the journal "Humanitarian Research in Eastern Siberia and the Far East".

Manuscripts submitted to the journal "Humanitarian Research in Eastern Siberia and the Far East" should be formatted in accordance with the following rules:
1. The manuscript must be submitted in electronic form in DOC format. The name of the file with the article must contain the author's surname and initials (for example: Ivanov I.I.doc). The editors correspond with the authors only by e-mail.
2. The volume of the manuscript, including annotation, keywords, footnotes, list of references, should not exceed 40-50 thousand characters (with spaces).
3. The manuscript may include illustrations, diagrams, tables, graphs, etc. Illustrations to the electronic version of the text are attached as separate files in the formats: for photographs, drawings - tif (at least 300 dpi for black and white and 600 dpi for color), jpg; graphs, diagrams, diagrams, etc. - excl.
4. The text of the manuscript is drawn up according to the following scheme:
a. UDC index.
b. Surname, name and patronymic and author/authors.
c. Academic degree, position, laboratory (department), department (institute), institution, author's contact details: e-mail address.
d. Title of the article.
e. Abstract of at least 500 printed characters (with spaces), concisely reflecting the main results of the study.
f. Key words in the amount of no more than 8 (word combinations are allowed no more than 2 words). When choosing keywords, the main criterion is their potential value for expressing the content of the manuscript.
g. Title in English (translation).
h. Name and surname of the author in English (transliteration).
i. The name of the institution where the author works or studies, in English (common translation).
j. Abstract in English with a volume of at least 100-250 words. It is recommended that the abstract represents the main content of the article and at the same time does not contain general words, is not a tracing paper of the Russian-language abstract and is written in high-quality English. If you are unsure of your level of language proficiency, please contact a specialist for an abstract translation.
k. Key words in English.
l. Article text. The text may contain footnotes to clarify terms or conditional abbreviations. All footnotes are placed page by page and have continuous numbering.
m. List of literature in Russian. The list is drawn up in accordance with the current standards (GOST R 7.0.5-2008. Section 7. Off-text bibliographic reference). You can find more information about the rules for compiling a bibliography here.
Bibliographic records of literature published in English are formatted in accordance with the Harvard standard. (e.g. Mackey, E., 2002. The House of Difference: Cultural Politics and National Identity in Canada. Toronto: University of Toronto Press).
The bibliography is numbered and compiled in alphabetical order. When referring to the text, the serial number is indicated in square brackets [3], if the author refers to the book or article as a whole, and the serial number indicating the page [3, p. 25] if a citation is given. Archival sources are not included in the list of references; references to them are placed directly in the text in parentheses. The first time the name of the archive is given in full, then - in the accepted abbreviation. For example: "... taxes were collected for 100 rubles." (The State Archive of the Primorsky Territory, hereinafter GAPK. F. 702. Op. 1. D. 249. L. 5-5v.)
n. References in the Roman alphabet under the title References. Each item of this list should be formatted according to the following scheme: author/authors (transliteration), year of publication, title (transliteration), [title] (translation into English), source (transliteration), imprint (transliteration), indication of the language of the article in brackets. The number of pages in the book is not specified.

For instance
Collection under the general editorship:
The main problems of US history in American historiography 1861-1918. / ed. G.N. Sevostyanov. M.: Nauka, 1974. 360 p.
Sevost'yanov, G.N. ed., 1974. Osnovnie problem istorii SShA v amerikanskoi istoriografii 1861-1918 gg. [Main issues of the US history in the American historiography 1861-1918]. Moscow: Nauka. (in Russian)

Book with one author:
Shishkin S.N. Civil War in the Far East Military. M.: Publishing house of the Ministry of Defense of the USSR, 1957.
Shishkin, S.N., 1957. Grazhdanskaya voina na Dal'nem Vostoke [The Civil war in the Far East]. Moscow: Voennoei zdatel'stvo ministerstva oboroni SSSR. (in Russian)

A book with two or more authors:
Pashuto V.T., Florya B.N., Khoroshkevich A.L. Old Russian heritage and the historical fate of the Eastern Slavs. M.: Nauka, 1982. 264 p.
Pashuto, V.T., Florya, B.N. and Horoshkevich A.L., 1982. Ancient Russian nasledie i istoricheskie sud'bi vostochnogo slavyanstva [Legacy of Old Russia and historical destinies of eastern slavs]. Moscow: Nauka. (in Russian)

Article in a periodical or collection:
Pruzhinin B.I.