Characterizing the organizational dynamics of financial capitalism


  • ANTON V. LUTSENKO Seversk Technological Institute, National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI»



economic crisis, market distribution, tectologic analysis, social philosophy, financial capitalism, Alexander Bogdanov, plutocracy, collectivism


Based on tectological system analysis developed by Alexander Bogdanov (1873– 1928), the article traces the evolution of financial capitalism in the XIXth and early XXth centuries. The author examines the making of «plutocracy» as a group that speculates on virtual symbolic values at the expense of the production of life-sustaining necessities, and characterizes the connection of «plutocracy» with militarism and the distribution of goods typical for «war communism». An alternative to this, as Bogdanov believed, is a «collectivism» based on a planned economy. The article ends with a complex description of the main reasons for the incompatibility of «plutocracy» and «collectivism».

Author Biography

  • ANTON V. LUTSENKO, Seversk Technological Institute, National Research Nuclear University «MEPhI»

    Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Seversk Institute of Technology




How to Cite

Characterizing the organizational dynamics of financial capitalism. (2023). Humanitarian Research in the Eastern Siberia and the Far East, 4, 157-167.