Traditional national costume of the Ainu as a phenomenon of ethnic culture and as a museum exhibit


  • MARINA V. OSIPOVA Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera) of the Russian Academy of Sciences



Ainu, traditional national costume, ruunpe robe, museum exhibit


The article is devoted to the traditional national male costume of the Ainu, its main elements and accessories. Based on literary and visual sources, the author demonstrates changes in the composition of its elements that occurred at various historical stages, and characterizes its role in the life of a person and community. The article emphasizes the importance of the Ainu costume in the museum space not only as an artifact, but also as an object of research.

Author Biography

  • MARINA V. OSIPOVA, Peter the Great Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography (Kunstkamera) of the Russian Academy of Sciences

    Candidate of Historical Sciences, Senior Researcher, Department of Ethnography of Siberia


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How to Cite

Traditional national costume of the Ainu as a phenomenon of ethnic culture and as a museum exhibit. (2024). Humanitarian Research in the Eastern Siberia and the Far East, 4, 19-27.