Political surveillance over the military personnel of Vladivostok Fortress and Siberian Flotilla, 1905–1917


  • VASILIY K. AZAREVICH Vladimir K. Arseniev Museum of Far East History




Vladivostok Fortress, Siberian Flotilla, Russian Far East, political surveillance, political investigation


The article describes the implementation of political surveillance over the Russian Imperial Army and Navy in the period from 1905 to 1917 using the case of the largest operational units in the Amur Military District – the Vladivostok Fortress and the Siberian Flotilla. Their military personnel were the main force of the revolutionary uprisings of 1905–1907 in the region, which made clear the need to control them. The author examines the issue of the making of political surveillance consistently – from the establishment of political investigation body in Primorye in 1906 to its abolition in 1917, highlighting two stages in this

Author Biography

  • VASILIY K. AZAREVICH, Vladimir K. Arseniev Museum of Far East History

    Research Fellow, Research Department


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How to Cite

Political surveillance over the military personnel of Vladivostok Fortress and Siberian Flotilla, 1905–1917. (2024). Humanitarian Research in the Eastern Siberia and the Far East, 3, 28-38. https://doi.org/10.24866/1997-2857/2024-3/28-38