The work of the government of the Republic of China with Soviet military advisors during the initial period of the Second Sino-Japanese War


  • Hu Wenxu Institute of China and Modern Asia Russian Academy of Sciences



Second Sino-Japanese War, Kuomintang, Republic of China, USSR, military advisors


With the outbreak of the Second Sino-Japanese War Soviet government provided various support to China, including sending its military advisors to the country. To manage the activities of military advisors, the government of the Republic of China created a new government body in 1938 – the Department of Military Advisors of the Military Affairs Commission. The article examines the structure and directions of work of this department, as well as the conditions and content of the work of Soviet military advisors.

Author Biography

  • Hu Wenxu , Institute of China and Modern Asia Russian Academy of Sciences

    Postgraduate student at the Center for the Modern History of China and its Relations with Russia


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How to Cite

The work of the government of the Republic of China with Soviet military advisors during the initial period of the Second Sino-Japanese War. (2024). Humanitarian Research in the Eastern Siberia and the Far East, 2, 24-29.