The principles of the new work ethic of late capitalism


  • OLEG G. NESTEROV HSE University, Moscow



work ethics, late capitalism, self-realization, self-creation, human capital, working conditions


The article attempts to substantiate the hypothesis about the emergence of a new work ethics within the framework of late capitalism. Particular attention is paid to the issue of changing the meaning and value of labour for a person. As a result of the analysis, the author comes to the conclusion that modern labour is carried out in the union of man and technology, and the main reward for it is self-realization. Modern labour involves, on the one hand, intensified spending and increased consumption, and on the other hand, the need for a wider range of skills and abilities.

Author Biography

  • OLEG G. NESTEROV, HSE University, Moscow

    postgraduate student at the School of Philosophy and Cultural Studies, Faculty of Humanities sciences


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How to Cite

The principles of the new work ethic of late capitalism. (2024). Humanitarian Research in the Eastern Siberia and the Far East, 1, 118-127.