Ethnocultural shifts in traditional environmental management of the Far North-East of Russia: from fur hunting to fur farming
Far North-East of Russia, environmental management, indigenous population, Soviet economy, fur hunting, fur farmingAbstract
The article traces the causes, course and results of a fundamental ethnocultural shift in the traditional environmental management of indigenous population of the Far North-East of Russia – the transition from fur hunting to fur farming. Cheap food supply (waste from marine hunting) and the presence of a significant number of unemployed indigenous people were seen as key factors to the growth of this innovative industry. However, its development was not adequately supported by technical means. The abundance of food supply did not guarantee its preservation and freshness. Due to hard physical labor that prevailed on fur farms, they constantly experienced a shortage of personnel, while most of the workers were non-residents. The cessation of state support in the post-Soviet era led to the complete liquidation of the industry.
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