Three phases of the blade arrowheads culture and the neolithization of Sakhalin Island under climatic changes of Late Boreal – Early Atlantic
Sakhalin Island, early Neolithic, blade arrowheads culture, Levoruchinsky complex, neolithizationAbstract
The article is devoted to the chronology and content of the Early Neolithic period on Sakhalin Island. It presents the compilation and analysis of all available radiocarbon dates of identified archaeological complexes in the chronological interval of 9,5–7,8 thousand years ago. Based on a comprehensive analysis of sources, the author identifies three chronological phases of the blade arrowheads culture on Sakhalin Island and traces the process of localization of this culture at the end of the period in the south of the island. These phenomena are seen against the background of the process of neolithization, which is treated as an adaptive response of the communities inhabiting the islands to climatic changes of the late Pleistocene – early Holocene.
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