Comparative analysis of the implementation of the communicative strategy of discrediting in women's English and French political discourse
political discourse, pre-election discourse, communicative strategy, communicative tactics, discursive personalityAbstract
The article deals with electoral discourse as a kind of political discourse, which is gaining more and more importance and influence in the modern world. In democratic societies, pre-election TV debates are one of the most important tools of the election campaign, which can significantly influence the success of a politician and even change the election results. In this regard, the present study aims to identify the peculiarities of the implementation of the communicative strategy of discrediting in the pre-election speeches of English- and French-speaking discursive personalities by comparing the communicative tactics used, as well as by analyzing their verbal and non-verbal communicative behavior (on the material of pre-election debates between Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak, Marine Le Pen and Emmanuel Macron).
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