The pejorative connotation of personality in Korean idiomatics




Korean idioms, pejorative connotation, emotionally evaluative characteristic, mentality


The article is devoted to the analysis of the semantic features of Korean idioms that express the pejorativeness as an emotionally evaluative negative characteristic of personality in the modern Korean language. In Korean idiomatics, a negative assessment is given to a person, who is distinguished by stupidity and incompetence, rudeness and insolence, unscrupulousness and greed, stubbornness, talkativeness, etc. Idioms of the semantic group in question, as a rule, relate to the informal speech of the Korean language and are largely accusatory in nature. The scientific novelty of the study lies in the identification of the pejorative component of Korean idiomatics, expressing disapproval of human actions or behaviors that deviate from the conventional norms of national Korean culture, which allows a deeper understanding of the mechanisms of formation of a negative assessment in the Korean language.


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Author Biography

  • Valentina A. Tikhonenko , Far Eastern Federal University

    Candidate of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Korean Studies Department


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How to Cite

2024. The pejorative connotation of personality in Korean idiomatics. Far Eastern Philological Journal. 2, 4 (Dec. 2024), 103–111. DOI: