New Pages from the Life of Vice-Admiral G.F. Erdmann
(Translated from German into Russian)
memoirs, comments, translation, history, Vladivostok, vice-admiral Gustav Wilhelm von Erdmann, Emmeline von ErdmannAbstract
This work is a commented translation of E.Y. Erdman’s memoirs about the first commander of the first submarine in Russia and one of the first military governors of the Primorsky Region of Eastern Siberia, G.F. Erdman, who put a lot of effort and energy into developing the city of Vladivostok and increasing its defense capability, as a result of which Vladivostok became the main port of Eastern Siberia. The story about G.F. Erdman, his entourage and family reconstructs the image of a man of indomitable will and indomitable energy, brave and determined, who gave many years to serve the Fatherland and the Navy. Memories of his wife complement the historical plan with details of private life, painting a panoramic picture of the past.
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