Grigory Semyonovich Kutsy (1911–1977): teacher, school principal, scientist




school principal, secondary school, scientist, history teacher, school education


The article reveals the first successes in the pedagogical activity of the history teacher and director of the rural school G.S. Kutsego, who devoted many years to the development of historical science and education in the Far East. The materials of the state archives and the publications of the regional periodical press of the 1930s led to the conviction that success in professional and pedagogical activities allowed an enthusiastic researcher to become a major scientist in a short period of time and involve his colleagues and students in scientific work.

Author Biography

  • Inna V. Pchela, Far Eastern Federal University

    Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Associate Professor


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How to Cite

Grigory Semyonovich Kutsy (1911–1977): teacher, school principal, scientist. (2024). Social Competence , 8(4), 53-61.