Visualising Abstract Knowledge in the Process of Teaching Philosop
teaching philosophy in higher education, methods of teaching philosophy, transcendentality of philosophy, synthesis of philosophy, cultural studies and logic, visualization of a philosophical text, logical and mathematical techniques for constructing a textAbstract
The article is devoted to describing the experience of using information technologies in the process of teaching the humanities. Philosophy is the most difficult to master due to the high level of abstraction of the categorical apparatus. To convey extremely abstract categories requires an in-depth understanding of philosophical issues, built on critical analysis. The process of studying philosophy leads to the search for new techniques. One such productive technique is the visualization of a philosophical text. Visualization helps to establish the essential characteristics of philosophical concepts and discover not only a close dialectical connection between them, but also to build relationships between various disciplines studied at the university, such as philosophy, cultural studies, mathematics, logic, computer science. Motivating non-philosophical students for the creative process of creating visual images contributes to a deeper study of philosophical texts.
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