Original article


  • Ruslan G. Aslanyan Kuban State University




special part of criminal law, criminal law institute, classification of crimes, object of criminal law protection, interest, benefit, systematization, normative prescription, public relations, branch of law, basis of law, legal thinking, functions of criminal law, legal fact.


The article highlights significant issues of systematization of institutions of a special part of criminal law, searches for a reliable and objective criterion according to which their isolation is possible in the structure of the industry. The study proves that the unification of the entire array of criminal law institutions belong either to legal communities serving the categories of the general part, or to legal communities regulating responsibility for crimes of various types, is methodologically incorrect. In this connection, the idea of a separate analysis of the institutions of the general and special part of criminal law looks more fruitful. Meanwhile, the solution of issues of gradation and systematization of institutions of a special part of criminal law based on ideas about the subject of criminal law regulation or based on the classification of crimes is unpromising. Institutions of a special part of criminal law can be represented as a system of normative prescriptions grouped on the basis of legal goods and interests subject to criminal law protection and institutionalized in the system of public relations.


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Author Biography

  • Ruslan G. Aslanyan, Kuban State University

    – Candidate of Law, Associate Professor of the Department of Criminal Law and Criminology of Kuban State University.


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How to Cite

Aslanyan, R. G. . (2022). ON THE CRITERIA FOR THE SEPARATION OF INSTITUTIONS OF A SPECIAL PART OF CRIMINAL LAW: Original article. PACIFIC RIM: Economics, Politics, Law, 23(4), 145-153. https://doi.org/10.24866/1813-3274/2021-4/145-153