Marine engine oil performance study using a process parameter matrix


  • EKATERINA V. MAZUR Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University
  • PAVEL S. SHCHERBAN Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University
  • VALERIA S. MAZUR Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University



parameter matrix method, engine oil, marine engine, bearing wear, oil analysis


In this study a method has been developed that allows to increase the service life of mechanisms and improve the reliability of ship equipment in operating conditions. The effect is achieved by detecting the most significant and influential parameters of the motor oil used, establishing boundary values for each of them and determining the degree of deviation of the actual parameters from the boundary parameters. The processing of an array of physical and chemical data on engine oil, taking into account the time between failures of equipment, is carried out by a specialized computer program being developed for monitoring the state of a marine engine in operation. The designed software package allows to maintain of the SPP (ship power plant) more accurate and timelier.

Author Biographies

  • EKATERINA V. MAZUR, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University

    Assistant, Lecturer

  • PAVEL S. SHCHERBAN, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University

     Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Associate Professor

  • VALERIA S. MAZUR, Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University

    Postgraduate Student






Ship Power Plants

How to Cite

Marine engine oil performance study using a process parameter matrix. Вестник Инженерной школы ДВФУ [Internet]. 2022 Dec. 27 [cited 2024 Sep. 1];4(4(53):85-9. Available from: