The concept of constructive and technological support durability of tribological units of ship equipment


  • LEV B. LEONTYEV Far Eastern Federal University
  • ANDREY L. LEONTYEV Government of the Primorsky Territory



durability, technological process, restoration, hardening, tribological component, ship equipment, system approach


The aging of marine vessels and the difficulty in acquiring replacement parts for equipment makes the problem of restoring worn parts and increasing their durability economically feasible and very relevant. The main causes of part failures in most cases are various types of wear of friction surfaces. However, the lack of advanced technological processes for the restoration of worn parts and the methodology for their development in the system "technology - wear-resistant coating - operating conditions" to ensure their specified durability do not allow ensuring the efficiency of the equipment. To achieve the durability of tribological components of ship equipment, we have developed a methodology for designing technological processes based on a systematic approach, which offers an algorithm for solving the problem and allows us to develop technological processes for the formation of coatings that provide a given resource with acceptable economic efficiency.

Author Biographies

  • LEV B. LEONTYEV, Far Eastern Federal University

     Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor

  • ANDREY L. LEONTYEV, Government of the Primorsky Territory

    Candidate of Engineering Sciences, Minister of Energy and Gas Supply






Technology and Organization of Shipbuilding and Ship Repair

How to Cite

The concept of constructive and technological support durability of tribological units of ship equipment. Вестник Инженерной школы ДВФУ [Internet]. 2022 Dec. 27 [cited 2024 Sep. 1];4(4(53):59-68. Available from: