Method for removing a vessel from muddy ground


  • Alexey A. Gutnik Far Eastern Federal University
  • Andrey P. German Far Eastern Federal University
  • Sergey O. Klimov VladSudoProject LLC



drainage in the ground, removal from ground, silt, buoyancy, the effect of adhesion, stickness, muddy ground


When landing a vessel on muddy ground, a sticking effect may occur. If this effect is not eliminated in time, the ship may be flooded by the tide. The article proposes a method for determining the holding force on the ground. The possibility of using the excess support force (buoyancy force), which appears when the ship is above the load waterline, and the method of its determination for a specific case of the ship's load, is shown. The interrelation of the forces of retention on the ground at its different stickiness is studied, taking into account the subsidence of the ship's hull into the ground and the forces of excessive buoyancy. A schedule has been drawn up of the required percentage reduction in the area of contact between the ship's hull and the ground to ensure the ascent of the ship (leveling the sticking effect) due to the forces of excessive buoyancy. Proposed constructive and organizational measures and measures to ensure the removal of the ship from the ground. Recommendations are made and a sequence of actions is presented when removing the ship from the ground by washing or blowing the ship's hull.

Author Biographies

  • Alexey A. Gutnik, Far Eastern Federal University

    Senior Lecturer

  • Andrey P. German, Far Eastern Federal University

    Senior Lecturer

  • Sergey O. Klimov, VladSudoProject LLC

    Head of the Seaworthiness Group






Ship Design, Construction of Vessels

How to Cite

Method for removing a vessel from muddy ground. Вестник Инженерной школы ДВФУ [Internet]. 2022 Dec. 27 [cited 2024 Sep. 1];4(4(53):23-31. Available from: