The main ways of developing the architectural environment of open spaces in the cities of the Northern region


  • Anastasia A. Ermishina AR ARCHITECTS Bureau
  • Nikita V. Kargin State Unitary Enterprise «Tatinvestgrazhdanproekt»
  • Veronika A. Korotkova Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering
  • Svetlana G. Korotkova Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering



small and medium-sized cities, Arctic zone, northern architecture, open spaces, extreme environment


The article considers the problem of urban development of existing small and medium-sized cities of the Arctic zone of the country, associated with deindustrialization in the 1990s, which still continues to result in population loss and urban imbalance of territories in the cities of the northern region.

One of the ways of development of the devastated northern cities seems to be the creation of an environment in which the inclusion of resource-saving elements in the architectural and planning solutions of open spaces, the typification of spatial forms and their application in an appropriate model of street space in extreme weather conditions is assumed. This path of development is proposed to be mastered through project modeling using scenario-based approach.

Via the article identifies the main factors influencing the design forms of architectural environment for northern weather conditions: radiation, zonal-climatic and territorial factors. As the realization of indicators of sustainable development of northern cities, ways that form open urban areas are proposed. The comparison of the main types of geometric construction of the form of open territories in the context of architecture of complexes erected in extreme conditions is presented. The results of the research are the identification of the adapted to severe weather conditions shaping of open areas by the type of climatope, the determination of the role of alternative energy elements in open spaces, the determination of the role of green spaces and elements of landscaping, the identification of the role of alternative energy elements in open spaces.

The project implementation within the framework of a competitive project was carried out, and as a result was created a reasonable model of street space for the city of Nyagan.

Author Biographies

  • Anastasia A. Ermishina, AR ARCHITECTS Bureau


  • Nikita V. Kargin, State Unitary Enterprise «Tatinvestgrazhdanproekt»

    Assistant Chief Project Engineer 

  • Veronika A. Korotkova, Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering

    student of 1AP04 Institute of Architecture and Design

  • Svetlana G. Korotkova, Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering

    Candidate of Architecture, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and Practice of Architecture


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Creative Concepts of Architecture Activities

How to Cite

The main ways of developing the architectural environment of open spaces in the cities of the Northern region. Вестник Инженерной школы ДВФУ [Internet]. 2024 Sep. 30 [cited 2024 Dec. 4];3(3(60):131-43. Available from: