On the project of a re-edition of the evaluation of S. M. Shirokogoroff’s "Tungus Dictionary"
S.M. Shirokogoroff's, re-edition, Tungus lexicography, Sergei Michailovich Shirokogoroff, Gerhard DoerferAbstract
The article deals with the re-edition of S. M. Shirokogoroff's "Tungus Dictionary" started by the author, including on the one hand the other tungusological works by Shirokogoroff and on the other hand the present edition by G. Doerfer ("Etymologisch-Ethnologisches Wörterbuch tungusischer Dialekte (vornehmlich der Manschurei)". Hildesheim, Zurich, New York 2004). Also to be included are the additions by the author himself and the addenda by E.N. Širokogorova. In addition, the planned multi-volume work will also include such entries from the Russian-Tungus part of the "Tungus Dictionary" that were not taken into account by G. Doerfer, since these sometimes show important variants (here deviations) from the forms given in the Tungus-Russian part of the work. The author also discusses the editing principles in more detail in his present article and gives an example of how the lemmata in the planned compendium are structured.