Problems of digital identity of modern youth on the example of the FEFU student community

UDC 323.2


  • Alexandra A. Setsko Far Eastern Federal University (Vladivostok, Russia)
  • Marina S. Tantsura Far Eastern Federal University (Vladivostok, Russia)



виртуальная идентичность, интернет- пространство, концепция симулякров, молодёжь, социальные сети, цифровая идентичность, цифровой след


The article considers the development of information
technologies and the strengthening of their role not only in
everyday life, but also in the minds of people, especially young individuals, as not fully formed personalities. The author emphasizes that digital identity replaces ethnic, religious, and territorial identity with an abundance of information, freedom of action, depersonalization, and the possibility of selfrealization. Thus, there is a decrease in people's interest in real communication, in which important communication skills are acquired and stable attitudes towards themselves and the world are formed as the basis of self-identification. The article also analyzes the problems of modern society, where knowledge about reality has replaced reality itself so much that the boundaries
between true and false are blurred, and the problems of digital identity of modern youth, namely the process of accumulating a digital footprint, personal identification, and the consequences of the influence of information.


Author Biographies

  • Alexandra A. Setsko, Far Eastern Federal University (Vladivostok, Russia)

    bachelor's student in the direction of training "Political Science" of the Oriental Institute - School of Regional and International Studies.

  • Marina S. Tantsura, Far Eastern Federal University (Vladivostok, Russia)

    Ph. D. (in Political Science), Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Oriental Institute – School of Regional and International Studies.



How to Cite

“Problems of digital identity of modern youth on the example of the FEFU student community: UDC 323.2” (2021) Oriental Institute Journal, (1), pp. 29–36. doi:10.24866/2542-1611/2021-1/29-36.