Comparative analysis of integration initiatives and projects of Russia and China in Central Asia
Russia, China, Central Asia, EAEU, BRI, CSTO, SCOAbstract
Based on the analysis, the author concludes that after the collapse of the USSR, Moscow made numerous attempts to create an integrated political and economic union in the post-Soviet space. However, in the first decade of the 21st century, none of these efforts was realized in reality, and the formation of the EAEU is seen as a step towards more effective economic growth and success compared to other post-Soviet initiatives. The path from the Customs Union to the Common Economic Space and from there to the Common Market appears not only logical but also realistic. In terms of military-political cooperation, it is recognized that there is no alternative to the CSTO in the post-Soviet space. It is the only structure that shapes the security architecture in its area of responsibility and ensures the security and stability of member countries against external and internal challenges and threats in the modern world. On the other hand, Beijing has made significant progress in its diplomatic contacts with the Central Asian states by establishing two major institutional pillars – the SCO and the global initiative BRI. These two instruments have become the fundamental basis that has improved China's foreign policy and external economic positioning in the Central Asian direction.
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