Friends and colleagues of Vladimir K. Arsenyev in China
V.K. Arseniev, Russians in China, sinology, ethnography, archeology, history of scienceAbstract
The article is dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the birth of the famous scholar and orientalist Vladimir Klavdievich Arsenyev (1872–1930) and his scientific and personal ties with China, where his colleagues, fellow
soldiers, friends and students lived (their biographies are included). Arriving for military service in Vladivostok in 1900, he immediately became interested in China, started collecting literature on sinology, began to learn Chinese. The enthusiasm for China led to the publication of the monograph "The Chinese in the Ussuri Territory" (1914). In 1916 V.K. Arsenyev went there and conducted field research and gave a series of lectures at the Society of Russian Orientalists (ORO), having visited Harbin and other cities, Arseniev conducted field research and delivered a series of lectures at the Society of Russian Orientalists.