Egor Rochin, the topic of the report is “Development of a technology for obtaining feed protein concentrate using the fermentation of plant materials using strains of humicola grisea and bacillus subtilis”, scientific supervisor - Anna Borisovna Podvolotskaya, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Head of the Laboratory of Biosafety of Goods of the Base Department of Bioeconomics and Food Security SHEM.
Matvey Smetanko, the topic of the report is "Teaching Children Robotics in Virtual Reality", scientific adviser - Elena Viktorovna Noskova, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Marketing, Commerce and Logistics of ShEM.
Diplomas of the 2nd degree received:
Tatyana Klimova and Victoria Nikitenko, the topic of the report is “Development of a mathematical matrix for the operational calculation of logistics costs when changing the composition and quantity of resources in the process of delivering products to consumers”, supervisor - Nadezhda Aleksandrovna Maizner, Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Marketing, Commerce and Logistics, ShEM.