The Place of Automobile Tourism and Caravaning in the Development of Domestic Tourism: an Ecological Aspect




car tourism, caravanning, infrastructure, service, tourism, automobile tourism


The paper investigates the pressing issues of the autotourism and caravanning development and their
impact on the environment. It also analyzes the state
of the caravanning development in the European
countries, where it is one of the tourism types preferred by travelers. Despite the coronavirus pandemic, the number of recreational vehicles and caravans is continuing to grow there at the same rate
as before the pandemic. The research conducted
suggests that caravanning in Russia is developing
relatively slow, compared to that in the European
countries and the USA. Growing flows of automobile tourists in Russia, including because of the
COVID-19 factor, influence negatively on the environment, since the roadside infrastructure does not
minimize the negative effects of traveling motorists.
The trend of the domestic automobile tourism active
development was determined, which is also confirmed by foreign studies. A model for the roadside
tourist complex formation was proposed, taking into
consideration the ecological approach. Recommendations were developed to optimize activities aimed
at creating favorable conditions for the autotourism
and caravanning development and minimizing the
negative affect on the environment.

Author Biographies

  • Ivan P. Kulgachev, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics

    - Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Full member of the National Academy of Tourism, PhD in Philosophy Sciences, Associate professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Hotel and Tourism Management. 

  • Larisa A. Savinkina, Moscow State University of Sports and Tourism

    - PhD in Geography Sciences, Associate professor, Associate Professor of the Department of Tourism. 

  • Elena Y. Sysoeva, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics

    - Senior lecturer of the Department of Physical Education.

  • Elena L. Dracheva, Ilja Glazunovꞌs Russian Academy of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture

    - Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences,
    Соrrespondihg Member of International Informatization Academy, PhD in Economics, Associate professor, Associate professor of the Department of folk art culture.

  • Larisa K. Gazgireeva, Russian State University of Tourism and Hospitality

    - Dr. of Philosophy Sciences, Associate professor, Professor of the Higher School of Tourism and Hospitality. 




How to Cite

The Place of Automobile Tourism and Caravaning in the Development of Domestic Tourism: an Ecological Aspect. (2022). Bulletin of the Far Eastern Federal University. Economics and Management, 102(2), 134-147.