The role of translation transformations in emphasizing the meaning of linguistic units (as exemplified in the German translation of the novel “Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets”)
Harry Potter, text, translation transformations, concretization, grammar replacementAbstract
The article examines the role of translation transformations in comprehension of a text in a foreign language. The object of the research includes the original text of the novel "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" and its German version. The subject of the research is translation transformations used in the process of translating the English text into the German language. Methods of the research include comparative-contrastive analysis and contextual analysis. The results of the research revealed that in the German translation of the novel "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" mostly concretization (type of lexical transformation) and grammar replacements (grammatical transformations) are used. This proves different perception of the reality described in the literary work of art by the representatives of different cultures.
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