Phonetic features of the North Korean Pyongyang dialect


  • Nina A. Isakova Far Eastern Federal University
  • Tatyana S. Deriugina Far Eastern Federal University Scientific Advisor



dialect, Korean language, Pyeongchang dialect, phonetic features, articulation


The dialect is an important aspect of the linguistic and cultural diversity of Korea. Despite the presence of two countries on the Korean peninsula, the Korean language has many dialects – varieties of the language used as a means of speech communication, limited to a certain territory. While Seoul dialect is one of the most popular dialects in South Korea, the Pyongyang dialect prevails in North Korea. Studying the dialects of the Korean language provides an opportunity to learn the history, cultural and linguistic features of the Korean peninsula countries. The Pyongyang dialect, as other dialects, has its own lexical, phonetic and grammatical features. In this regard, this study aims to determine the characteristics of the North Korean Pyongyang dialect in comparison with the Seoul dialect.


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Author Biographies

  • Nina A. Isakova, Far Eastern Federal University

    Bachelor student, Department of Korean Studies

  • Tatyana S. Deriugina, Far Eastern Federal University

    Senior lecturer, Department of Korean Studies


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First scientific experiences

How to Cite

2024. Phonetic features of the North Korean Pyongyang dialect. Far Eastern Philological Journal. 2, 3 (Sep. 2024), 168–174. DOI: