Rules for manuscripts
The name of the submitted file(s) must contain only the last name of the author (the first author). If the manuscript has several authors, the editors correspond with the first author.
The manuscript of a scientific article is drawn up by the authors in accordance with the following requirements:
- Text editor - Microsoft Word.
- Format - А4.
- Margins - 2 cm on all sides.
- The font is Times New Roman.
- Font size – 12.
- Line spacing – 1,0.
- Paragraph indent - 1.25.
- Orientation - portrait, without page footnotes.
The volume of the main text of submitted manuscripts (excluding annotations and references):
articles - from 0.5 to 1.0 author's sheet (20-40 thousand characters with spaces);
reviews - from 0.3 to 1.0 author's sheet (10-20 thousand characters with spaces).
Structural elements of the manuscript
1) Type of publication (research article, scientific article, review, review, translation and comments)
2) UDC (if known)
3) Title
4) Author’s name
5) Information about the author(s) (academic degree, academic title, position, full name of a scientific or educational institution, organization, city, country, author's e-mail address (without the word e-mail), ORCID (if any) in the format https:// (no word ORCID)
6) Abstract
7) Keywords
8) Information for citation: Author's surname, initials. Title of the article // Far Eastern Philological Journal. Year. Volume X, No. X. P. X–XX.
10) Article text
11) References
12) List of abbreviations (if any)
For masters and bachelors, information about the supervisor in clause 4 and clause 5 is required.
- The abstract should reflect the main content and novelty of the article in comparison with others related in subject matter and purpose, as well as the results obtained. The recommended average length of an abstract is 1000–1200 characters.
- For articles, written in foreign languages, an extended abstract in Russian is given: an analytical text of 1000–1200 characters with spaces serves as a source of information independent of the article and is not a copy of the abstracts in the original language and English. It does not allow references to the literature and the use of abbreviations, repetitions of information contained in the title of the article.
- Keywords (5–7 words). The editors reserve the right to change key words and phrases in accordance with the abstract and title of the article.
- Links in the text of the article are in-text and are formatted in square brackets. In brackets, first, the serial number of the cited work in the list of references is indicated, then, separated by commas, the page number of the cited citation or the mentioned fact. In the case of simultaneous reference to several works, the references themselves are placed inside one pair of brackets and separated from each other by a semicolon: [1], [2, p. 5], [3, p. 5; 4, p. 10–15].
- References to archival or other unpublished documents are placed in parentheses in the text of the work. They are not included in the bibliography.
- Captions for figures and diagrams are made as follows: in the center under the figure is the word "Fig.", a space, the number of the figure in numbers, a space, the title with a capital letter (without a dot at the end of the sentence).
- Tables are presented in the form: the word "Table" in italics in the upper right corner, a space, the number of the table in numbers (if there is more than one); on the line below, center the name with a capital letter (without a dot at the end of the sentence). Cell content should be centered.
- The font size in the table is 12, line spacing is 1,0.
- Explanation of abbreviations is required and is given at the end of the text of the manuscript after the list of references.
- Highlighting in the text is carried out using italics and bold.
- Examples in a foreign language must be accompanied by a Russian translation, the translation can also be presented in the form of a brief commentary (for large excerpts from works of art). Translation into Russian is enclosed in quotation marks (""), and the meaning of a foreign term is enclosed in English quotation marks (‘’).
- References are given in alphabetical order at the end of the article in the form of a numbered list of off-text bibliographic references.
- The list first indicates literature in Russian, then in European and Oriental languages.
- Name and Surname of the author / authors are in italics.
- Book publications must indicate the publisher and the total number of pages.