


gender, female migrants, international migration, China, women, PRC, women's migration, feminization of migration, gender discrimination, labor migration


This article aims to study the phenomenon of women's international migration from mainland China. The study of this issue is complicated by fragmentary and incomplete statistics on host countries and the lack of comprehensive works devoted to female emigration from China. As a rule, scientific works and research related to the participation of Chinese women in migration processes are mainly focused on the process of internal migration, while external migration of representatives of mainland China remains a poorly researched area of knowledge. From a methodological point of view, the article is based on the concept of feminist theory of international relations (including the works of J.E. Tickner, S.H. Enloe, V.S. Peterson, Christine Sylvester), in particular, on the ideas of differential feminism (the author takes the position that gender largely determines the nature of a migrant’s resettlement abroad, living conditions in the host country and the migration experience itself). When writing the article, the authors used methodological tools such as the hermeneutic method, data analysis and synthesis. Statistical data were analyzed using the quantification method and the comparative analysis method. Particular attention is paid to the problems of female migrants, as well as statistics on the participation of Chinese women in migration flows, employment issues of female migrants, their discrimination and segregation in destination countries, student and marriage migration. The problem of human trafficking related to female migration is discussed separately.


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Author Biographies

  • Evgenia Y. Katkova, RUDN University (Moscow, Russia)

    Candidate of Historical Studies, Senior Lecturer, Department of Oriental and African Studies, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

  • Maya G. Novoselova, RUDN University (Moscow, Russia)

    Master’s Degree Student of Foreign regional studies, Department of Oriental and African Studies, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences


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How to Cite

Katkova, E. Y., & Novoselova, M. G. (2024). THE FEMALE FACE OF CHINESE MIGRATION. PACIFIC RIM: Economics, Politics, Law, 26(1), 128-146.