
  • Elena V. Semenova Velikiye Luki State Agricultural Academy (Velikiye Luki, Russia)
  • Ekaterina A. Nikiforova Velikiye Luki State Agricultural Academy (Velikiye Luki, Russia)
  • Olga G. Petrova Velikiye Luki State Agricultural Academy (Velikiye Luki, Russia)




budget support, debt burden, tax benefits, special tax regimes, simplified taxation system, tax competition, tax discrimination, small and medium-sized businesses, budget


The article is devoted to the issues of insufficient budgetary support for the majority of regional budgets, the presence of a debt burden in federal districts and their constituent entities, and high spatial asymmetry. Tax and other instruments that balance the revenue side of regional budgets are reviewed, including the consideration of individual connotations of tax benefits and preferences. The special tax regime is analyzed in most detail. The paper provides examples of benefits under the simplified taxation system in effect in the regions of the Northwestern Federal District, the stimulating potential of which for various types of economic activity is called into question. A conclusion is made about the advisability of searching for new tools for the development of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation in the context of accumulated and additional crisis stress factors in economic development.


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Author Biographies

  • Elena V. Semenova, Velikiye Luki State Agricultural Academy (Velikiye Luki, Russia)

    Doctor of Economics, Professor, Professor of the Department of Finance and Accounting, Faculty of Economics

  • Ekaterina A. Nikiforova, Velikiye Luki State Agricultural Academy (Velikiye Luki, Russia)

    Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor, Head. Department of Finance and Accounting, Faculty of Economics

  • Olga G. Petrova, Velikiye Luki State Agricultural Academy (Velikiye Luki, Russia)

    Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor of the Department of Finance and Accounting, Faculty of Economics


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How to Cite

Semenova, E. V. ., Nikiforova, E. A., & Petrova, O. G. (2024). UNCERTAIN RESULT OF APPLICATION OF BENEFITS UNDER A SIMPLIFIED TAX SYSTEM. PACIFIC RIM: Economics, Politics, Law, 26(1), 15-26. https://doi.org/10.24866/1813-3274/2024-1/15-26