Optimizing the foreign policy of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation: from CIS to EAEU and BRICS





Ministry of Construction, Housing and Utilities of the Russian Federation, EAEU, BRICS, ESCAP, international cooperation, international organizations, development strategies for the construction industry, housing and communal services development strategies


The study addresses the importance of international cooperation of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation in the context of global integration and regional cooperation. The goal of the study is to analyze the current situation within the international
cooperation of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation and propose possible ways to optimize this interaction. The research employs a comprehensive approach including historical context analysis, comparative analysis, as well as quantitative and qualitative research methods. The results of the research suggest that it may be optimal for the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation to redirect its efforts from interaction with the CIS towards cooperation with BRICS and EAEU. This study represents the first attempt to systematically analyze the foreign policy of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation in terms of its interaction with international organizations. The results of the study can be used in the process of forming the foreign policy strategy of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation and in decision-making at the level of state governance.


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Author Biography

  • Dmitry S. Belkin, Slavic Greek Latin Academy

    Postgraduate student, Department of International Law


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How to Cite

Belkin, D. S. (2024). Optimizing the foreign policy of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation: from CIS to EAEU and BRICS. PACIFIC RIM: Economics, Politics, Law, 26(3), 38-54. https://doi.org/10.24866/1813-3274/2024-3/38-54