National heritage as a factor in realizing the innovative potential of the company


  • Alina A. Atastyrova Far Eastern Federal University
  • Irina B. Repina Far Eastern Federal University
  • Natalya G. Sidorova Far Eastern Federal University
  • Danil E. Sidorov Far Eastern Federal University



innovative potential, management strategies, publishing industry, souvenirs, cultural sovereignty, national identity, Republic of Sakha, Yakutia


The article is devoted to the implementation of the company's innovative potential, during which the national heritage acts as a contributing factor. In the modern world, innovation acts not only as a source of socio-economic progress, but also asthe basis 
of a business’s competitive advantage. By developing and implementing innovations, the company improves its position in the market, produces competitive products, and improves its financial and economic results. An enterprise can increase demand for its products by differentiating them and developing new markets. The publishing industry is a sphere of 
application of innovations, as well as a sphere of popularization in society of innovations in various fields of knowledge and promoting their acceptance by society. Innovation is a way to optimize the activities of an enterprise and increase its competitiveness in the market. The development of a “flexible” approach to business, the development of new management strategies and decision-making in an innovative way, due to constant changes in market conditions, such as the economic situation, changes in sales markets, can be much more effective when accessing the wealth of cultural heritage. This not only solves purely 
economic problems, but generally supports the course towards strengthening state, cultural, value and economic sovereignty, civil identity based on the spiritual, moral and cultural values of the peoples of the Russian Federation, and the preservation of cultural heritage.


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Author Biographies

  • Alina A. Atastyrova, Far Eastern Federal University

    Student of the Department of Innovation, Polytechnic Institute

  • Irina B. Repina, Far Eastern Federal University

    Associate Professor of the Department of Innovation, Polytechnic Institute

  • Natalya G. Sidorova, Far Eastern Federal University

    Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor of the Department of Innovation, Polytechnic Institute

  • Danil E. Sidorov, Far Eastern Federal University

    Senior Lecturer of the Department of Innovation, Polytechnic Institute


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How to Cite

Atastyrova, A. A., Repina, I. B., Sidorova, N. G., & Sidorov, D. E. (2024). National heritage as a factor in realizing the innovative potential of the company. PACIFIC RIM: Economics, Politics, Law, 26(4), 60-74.