Implementation of international norms establishing responsibility for the use of prohibited means and methods of warfare into the criminal legislation of the Russian Federation


  • Sergey Yu. Mironenko Donbass State University of Justice



war crimes, the use of prohibited means and methods of warfare, international norms, implementation


When studying the corpus delicti of the use of prohibited means and methods of warfare, the issue of the implementation of international norms in this area into the national criminal legislation of the Russian Federation is of particular importance. Determining the procedure for the implementation of international obligations is a manifestation of national sovereignty and relates to the internal competence of the State itself. The implementation of international norms establishing responsibility for the use of prohibited means and methods of warfare into the criminal legislation of the Russian Federation represents the actual embodiment of international obligations at the national level. An analysis of the wording of Article 356 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation allows us to conclude that in this case a special reception of international legal provisions on responsibility for the use of prohibited means and methods of warfare was carried out. The Russian Federation implements international norms in the field of countering war crimes by directly incorporating them into national criminal legislation.


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Author Biography

  • Sergey Yu. Mironenko, Donbass State University of Justice

    Candidate of Law, Associate Professor, Vice-Rector for Scientific Work


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How to Cite

Mironenko, S. Y. . (2024). Implementation of international norms establishing responsibility for the use of prohibited means and methods of warfare into the criminal legislation of the Russian Federation. PACIFIC RIM: Economics, Politics, Law, 26(4), 126-138.