Substantiation of the need to develop a system of maritime cargo and passenger transportation between the subjects of the Far Eastern Federal Area of the Russian Federation




cargo and passenger transport, Far East, Kamchatka Region, Primorsky Region, Sakhalin Region, sea transportation, transport isolation


The purpose of this article is to analyze the transport system of the regions of the Far Eastern Federal Area of the Russian Federation and substantiate the importance
of the development of maritime passenger transport to overcome the problem of transport isolation, especially characteristic of the Kamchatka Region and the Sakhalin Region. The article presents arguments in favor of the need to open a passenger sea connection between
the regions of the Russian Far East as a measure aimed at increasing and improving the opportunities of the population of the Far Eastern regions to move between the largest administrative and economic centers of the Far Eastern Federal Area. A comprehensive analysis, comparative analysis and a systematic approach were used as the methodological basis of the study. An assessment of the state of the transport industry in the Far East made it possible to form a proposal to create an industry project to address the problem of transport
isolation of the regions.


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Author Biographies

  • Albert V. Pavlyuk, MGIMO University

    Candidate of Law, Associate Professor of the Department of Public Administration at the School of Governance and Politics

  • Rodion O. Maksimovich, MGIMO University

    3rd year student at the School of Governance and Politics

  • Aleksey D. Kondratyev, MGIMO University

    3rd year student at the School of Governance and Politics


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How to Cite

Pavlyuk, A. V., Maksimovich, R. O., & Kondratyev, A. D. (2024). Substantiation of the need to develop a system of maritime cargo and passenger transportation between the subjects of the Far Eastern Federal Area of the Russian Federation. PACIFIC RIM: Economics, Politics, Law, 26(3), 25-37.